понедельник, 23 февраля 2015 г.

My Lovely Showman ♥

Ivan Andreevich Urgant 

born 16 April 1978 is a Russian television personality, showman, actor and musician.

Urgant was born in Leningrad in a family of actors Andrey Urgant (son of Nina Urgant and Leo Milinder) and Valeriya Kiseleva. He graduated from Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy.
In the late 1990s Ivan Urgant was a leader of Maxim Leonidov's soul project nicknamed Vnuuk (RussianВнук - Grandson). [1]
Ivan also judged KVN games several times.
In 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2014 Ivan Urgant was awarded TEFI.
On May 16, 2009 he presented the final of the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest with former Russian Eurovision participant Alsou.[2]
In 2012 Ivan released his first solo album called "Estrada" under the name Grisha Urgant.
Ivan Urgant with Alexander Tsekalo owns a restaurant "The Сад" (RussianСад - Garden) in Moscow.

He is known for hosting various TV shows, including: